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Your Cosmetic Surgery Journey - Part II

April 5, 2023 at 4:00 AM
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Before the Procedure

1. What are the risks and potential complications of the procedure?
All surgeries carry some level of risk, so it's important to understand what potential complications could arise during your procedure. This can include bleeding, infection, scarring, or adverse reactions to anesthesia.

2. What type of anesthesia will be used?
Depending on the procedure, you may require general anesthesia or local anesthesia. Make sure to ask your surgeon which type of anesthesia will be used and what to expect during and after the procedure.

3. What are the qualifications and experience of the surgeon?
Before committing to a surgeon, make sure to research their qualifications and experience. This can include their training, certifications, and years of experience performing the specific procedure you're interested in.

4. What is the expected recovery time?
Understanding the recovery process is crucial in preparing for your surgery. Ask your surgeon about the expected recovery time, any restrictions or limitations on activity, and what to expect during the healing process.

5. How many times have you performed this particular procedure?
Find out when the surgeon started performing the procedure, how many times they’ve performed the surgery, and how many they perform in a 12-month period on average. It is important to establish that the surgeon performing the procedure you are seeking has sufficient record of delivering safe results. Studies show that surgeons who performed at least 30 or more of a specific surgery per year, have lower complication rates with fewer revisions. Choosing a surgeon with an established record of successfully performing the surgery should increase the likelihood of a more successful outcome for you.

6. Can I see before and after photos of previous patients who have had this procedure?
Before and after pictures are strong, visual evidence of a surgeon’s ability, and is a important part of your education around whether the surgeon may be able to deliver the look you want. If a surgeon does not agree to show you before and after photos, consider that to be a huge red flag.

7. What is the cost of the procedure and are there any additional fees?
It is important to know up front what the procedure will cost you. Cosmetic surgery can be very expensive, especially since it is NOT covered by medical insurance. Before you embark on your surgical journey, you need to know what to expect in terms of the true cost. Plastic and cosmetic surgery costs fall into three main categories: Surgical fee, anesthesia fee and facility/material costs. Consultations can be an additional cost, since some surgeons or surgical centers will require a consult fee, whereas others provide free consultations. If you are considering having your surgery outside of the US, be forewarned that there may be many hidden costs (both financial and safety-wise) that are not evident until you are on the table or afterwards (we will explain more about this in a future blog).

8. What is the expected outcome of the procedure, and what can I realistically expect to achieve?

This is important because cosmetic surgery can improve your appearance, but it's crucial to have a clear understanding of what can be achieved with the procedure. Having realistic expectations can help ensure that you are satisfied with the results and avoid disappointment or dissatisfaction post-surgery. By discussing expected outcomes and realistic expectations with your surgeon, you can make informed decisions about your procedure and achieve the best possible outcome. If you are seeking perfection, you should know right now that this is an unachievable and unattainable goal! Before you embark on a journey to change your appearance, you first need to know and understand what your own expectations are, and why.

During the Procedure

Note: these apply only to procedures that use local anesthesia or are non-invasive)

1. Can I see what's happening during the procedure?
While not all procedures allow for this, some surgeons may offer the option to watch the procedure via a mirror or video feed. This can help ease any anxiety or fears you may have during the surgery.

2. What should I expect during the procedure?
Ask your surgeon what to expect during the surgery, including how long it will take, what sensations you may feel, and what steps they'll take to ensure your safety and comfort.

3. Will I be able to communicate with the surgeon or staff during the procedure if necessary?
While most cosmetic procedures are relatively safe, complications can arise, and it's essential that the patient feels comfortable communicating any concerns or questions they may have during the procedure. Knowing that they can communicate with the surgeon or staff, if necessary, can help alleviate any anxiety or fears the patient may have and provide them with a sense of control over the situation. Additionally, if unexpected complications do arise, the ability to communicate with the surgeon or staff during the procedure can help ensure that they are promptly addressed, reducing the risk of further complications.

4. What should I do if I experience pain or discomfort during the procedure?
While most procedures are relatively pain-free, some discomfort may be expected. If you experience any pain or discomfort during the procedure, make sure to let your surgeon or anesthesiologist know right away.

5. What steps are being taken to ensure my safety during the procedure?
Cosmetic surgery, like any other surgery, carries some risks, and it's important to understand what measures are being taken to mitigate those risks. Knowing what steps are being taken to ensure their safety can help alleviate anxiety and fear you may have about the procedure, providing them with a sense of control over the situation. Additionally, by understanding the safety protocols, you can have confidence that their surgeon is taking all necessary precautions to ensure a successful and safe surgery.

6. Can I listen to music or bring something to help me relax during the procedure?
Listening to music or bringing something you can use to help you relax during the procedure may help you relax during the procedure, help alleviate some of your anxiety and make the experience more comfortable. Cosmetic surgery can be stressful, and it's normal to feel anxious or nervous about the procedure. Bringing music or a comforting item may provide a sense of familiarity and comfort, making the experience less daunting. Furthermore, relaxing during the procedure can help reduce muscle tension, may make it easier for the surgeon to perform the procedure. Overall, anything that helps you relax during the procedure can contribute to a more successful and positive outcome.

After the Procedure

1. What should I expect during the recovery process?
Understanding what to expect during the recovery process is crucial in ensuring a successful outcome. Make sure to ask your surgeon about any restrictions on activity, medications you should take, and what to do if you experience any complications or adverse reactions.

2. How long will it take to see the final results?
Most cosmetic procedures require some time for the body to heal and for the final results to become visible. Ask your surgeon how long it will take to see the final results and what to expect during the healing process.

3. What can I do to ensure the best possible outcome?
Following your surgeon's instructions during the recovery process is crucial in ensuring the best possible outcome. Post-op care during the recovery phase is extremely important and can have a major impact on your outcome. Make sure to ask your surgeon for any tips or recommendations on how to care for yourself post-surgery.

4. How long will the results last, and will I need additional procedures in the future?
Getting this question answered may help you to manage your expectations and plan more effectively. Cosmetic surgery can provide excellent results, but the longevity of those results can vary depending on the procedure and other factors such as age, genetics, and lifestyle. Understanding how long the results will last helps you make an informed decision about whether the procedure is worth the investment of time and money. Additionally, some procedures may require additional maintenance or follow-up procedures in the future, which you should be aware of so you can plan accordingly. By discussing the longevity of the results and the need for follow-up procedures with your surgeon, you can make an informed decision about the best course of action for your desired outcome.

5. What should I do if I notice any unexpected changes or complications during the recovery process?
You should ask this question to make sure that you are prepared to take action if necessary. While most cosmetic surgery procedures are safe and effective, there is always a risk of complications or unexpected changes during the recovery process. Knowing what steps to take in case of any issues can help you take prompt action, reducing the risk of further complications and ensuring the best possible outcome. By discussing this with your surgeon, you can receive clear instructions on what to do if any problems arise: such as how to contact the surgeon's office, when to seek medical attention, or how to adjust your post-operative care. Understanding the signs of potential complications and what to do if they occur can give you peace of mind and ensure a safe and successful recovery.

6. How long do you recommend I wear my compression garment post-surgery?
This question is important because compression garments are commonly used after cosmetic surgery to aid in the healing process. The garment helps to reduce swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which can speed up the healing process and improve the overall results of the procedure. However, the length of time that a patient should wear the garment can vary depending on the procedure and the surgeon's recommendation. By asking the surgeon about the recommended duration and purpose of the compression garment, the patient can understand the benefits of wearing the garment and how it can aid in their recovery process. This information can help the patient plan their post-operative care and recovery more effectively, ensuring the best possible outcome.

7. When can I resume normal activities such as exercise, work, and social events?

Depending on the type of cosmetic surgery performed, recovery times can vary, and certain activities may need to be avoided for a period after the procedure. By asking your surgeon when you can resume normal activities, you can ensure that you do not cause any damage to the surgical site or impede the healing process. Resuming normal activities too soon may result in complications such as bleeding, infection, or poor healing. On the other hand, delaying the resumption of normal activities unnecessarily can also hinder recovery. By asking the surgeon when you can resume normal activities, you can receive clear instructions and guidance on how to safely and effectively manage your recovery, reducing the risk of complications and ensuring the best possible outcome.

Remember, it's essential to be fully informed before undergoing any cosmetic surgery procedure. Asking questions is an important part of that process. Don't hesitate to ask your surgeon any questions or concerns you may have, no matter how small they may seem. A good surgeon should be happy to answer all your questions and provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions about your health and well-being.

Asking the right questions before, during, and after your cosmetic surgery procedure is crucial in ensuring a successful outcome. The Bloom Program at Wings Wellness is dedicated to helping clients navigate the world of post-op care with confidence and ease. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your desired results.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that the tips and recommendations provided in this blog post from Wings Wellness Bloom Program are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be construed as medical advice. The information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Wings Wellness is not a medical facility, nor does it provide medical advice. Any reliance you place on the information provided is solely at your own risk.

Click here for Part I

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