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Beyond the Incision: The Importance of Choosing a Certified MLD Therapist For Your Post-Cosmetic Surgery Journey

April 8, 2024 at 6:00 PM
by Tonya Brooks
beyond the incision blog.png

Welcome to Wings Wellness, where your health and well-being are our utmost priority. Today, we explore an essential, yet often overlooked aspect of wellness and post-surgical care: the significance of lymphatic health. Specifically, we highlight the paramount importance of selecting a licensed therapist certified in Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) and the risks associated with incorrect lymphatic drainage methods, such as unauthorized incisional drainage.

Understanding Lymphedema and Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphedema is characterized by swelling in parts of the body, typically occurring due to a blockage in the lymphatic system. This condition can arise following surgery, radiation, infection, or trauma. Beyond lymphedema, MLD plays a crucial role in managing edema (swelling) resulting from various surgeries, including cosmetic procedures like liposuction, and non-surgical treatments such as Cool Sculpting. MLD is a specialized technique that stimulates the flow of lymph fluid, reduces swelling, and enhances the body's recovery process. It's gentle, non-invasive, and necessitates performance by a trained, certified therapist.

The Importance of Certification

When in search of MLD therapy, it's critical to opt for a therapist who is not only proficient in lymphatic massage techniques but also holds certification from recognized institutions. Certified Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapists (CMLDT) and Certified Lymphedema Therapists (CLTs) undergo extensive training in the anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic system, acquiring specific skills to manage lymphedema and post-surgical edema safely and effectively.

The Dangers of Incisional Drainage by Unqualified Individuals

A concerning trend has emerged with non-medical persons offering services that wrongfully include reopening surgical incisions to "expel" fluid. This misrepresentation of lymphatic drainage is not only unfounded but hazardous.

Infection Risk

The foremost danger lies in the infection risk presented by reopening or tampering with surgical incisions by those not medically trained or certified for such procedures. Surgical sites are highly susceptible to bacterial entry, significantly heightening infection risk when manipulated outside a sterile environment like an operating room.

Tissue Damage and Healing Complications

Additionally, unauthorized manipulation of surgical incisions can result in tissue damage, disrupt the body's healing process, and aggravate conditions like lymphedema and post-surgical edema. The lymphatic system's delicacy demands precise handling to avoid long-term harm and complications.

Choosing the Right Therapist

Selecting a lymphatic drainage therapist warrants verification of their credentials. Authentic therapists will readily provide evidence of their certification and training. Reputable organizations such as the Lymphology Association of North America (LANA), Klose Training, and the Academy of Lymphatic Studies offer certifications for therapists, ensuring they possess the requisite expertise for safe and effective treatment.

- Klose Training and The Academy of Lymphatic Studies are distinguished for their comprehensive education and certification programs in lymphedema management and Manual Lymphatic Drainage, equipping health professionals and allied healthcare workers to deliver superior care.

Selecting a therapist certified by these esteemed institutions ensures you receive proficient care, crucial for minimizing risks and optimizing recovery and well-being, especially after surgeries or procedures like liposuction and Cool Sculpting, where effective edema management is key.

Your health is of paramount importance and should never be compromised by entrusting it to individuals lacking the necessary training and certification in Manual Lymphatic Drainage and lymphedema management. Opting for a therapist certified by recognized bodies guarantees the highest level of care, safeguarding your health and facilitating a smoother, more effective recovery process.

Incisional drainage by non-medical professionals is illegal in the US. Here is a news report about a massage therapist in Florida who had her license restricted then revoked for performing these illegal and dangerous 'treatments':

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